During the first week we discussed reference frames and coordinate systems to represent the motion of particles. This was the “absolute motion” that was always measured relative to a fixed reference frame.
Let's define the fixed reference frame to be A
The particle moves in 3D. The point the particle is located is denoted P.
Example 1: We observe a statue located at position P.
In [1]:
from rel_motion import *
# Fixed Frame A
A = np.eye(3) # identity matrix E1=(1,0,0), E2=(0,1,0), E3=(0,0,1)
rO = np.array((0,0,0))
rP = np.array( (5, 0, 0))
plotAbsMotion(A, rO, rP)
Example 2: a projectile is launched into the air from the ground with an initial velocity v0 in the x,y, and z directions. Assuming only gravity is acting on the projectile, what is it's equation of motion? What about when the velocity is 0.5v0?
$^Ar_P(t) = v_0t\hat{E}_1 + v_0t\hat{E}_2 + (v_0t - \frac{1}{2}gt^2) \hat{E}_3$
In [2]:
from rel_motion import *
# define path of trajectory for particle P observed in fixed frame A
def projectile(v0,t):
x = v0*t
y = v0*t
z = v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2
return [x,y,z]
T = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
v0 = 5
x_t1 = np.array([projectile(v0,t) for t in T])
x_t2 = np.array([projectile(v0/2., t) for t in T])
#origin as function of T
o_t = np.array([ [0,0,0] for t in T])
ntc = [('rP1', (o_t,x_t1), blue),
('rP2', (o_t,x_t2), green)]
# run animation
fig, args = runAnimation(ntc)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, **args)
During the first week we discussed reference frames and coordinate systems to represent the motion of particles. This was the “absolute motion” that was always measured relative to a fixed reference frame.
This week we are going to discuss relative motion. In this case observations are made in a moving reference frame.
Example case: I am in car driving in a straight line at 60 mph on the highway. A car passes me going 20 mph faster than I am. How fast is the car going?
For this discussion, we will assume there is a fixed reference frame A and a moving reference frame B.
In [2]:
from rel_motion import *
import time
# Fixed Frame A
A = np.eye(3) # identity matrix E1=(1,0,0), E2=(0,1,0), E3=(0,0,1)
rO = np.array((0,0,0))
# Moving Frame B
B = np.eye(3) # identity matrix
rQ = np.array([5., 5., 5.])
# moving point P observed in B
rPQ = np.array((0.,0.,0.))
# point P observed in A?
rP = rQ + rPQ
# Position of rQ
vQ= np.array([1., 0., 0.])
vPQ = np.array([3.,0.0,0.])
dt = 4
plotAll(A, B, rO, rQ, rPQ, rP)
ax =plt.gca()
fig = plt.gcf()
for i in range(10):
rQ += vQ*dt
rPQ += vPQ*dt
rP = rQ + rPQ
plotAll(A, B, rO, rQ, rPQ, rP, ax, labels=False)
plotAll(A, B, rO, rQ, rPQ, rP, ax)
In [3]:
from rel_motion import *
import time
# Fixed Frame A
A = np.eye(3) # identity matrix E1=(1,0,0), E2=(0,1,0), E3=(0,0,1)
rO = np.array((0,0,0))
# Moving Frame B
B = np.eye(3) # identity matrix
rQ = np.array([5., 5., 5.])
# moving point P observed in B
rPQ = np.array((0.,0.,0.))
# point P observed in A?
rP = rQ + rPQ
# Position of rQ
vQ= np.array([1., 0., 0.])
vPQ = np.array([3.,0.0,0.])
dt = 4
plotAll(A, B, rO, rQ, rPQ, rP)
ax =plt.gca()
fig = plt.gcf()
for i in range(10):
rQ += vQ*dt
rPQ += vPQ*dt
rP = rQ + rPQ
plotAll(A, B, rO, rQ, rPQ, rP, ax, labels=False)
plotAll(A, B, rO, rQ, rPQ, rP, ax)
In [1]:
from rel_motion import *
# define path of trajectory for particle P observed in fixed frame A
def applyVel(T, p0, vel):
p_t = np.array([p0 + vel(t)*t for t in T])
return p_t
def vO(t):
return np.array([0., 0., 0.])
def vQ(t):
return np.array([2., 0., 0.])
def vPQ(t):
return np.array([3., 0., 0.])
def compute_rP(rQ, rPQ, vQ, vPQ, t):
return np.array((rQ + rPQ).tolist())
T = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
#initial values
rO0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
rQ0 = np.array([5., 5., 5.])
rPQ0 = np.array((0.,0.,0.))
rP0 = compute_rP(rQ0, rPQ0, vQ, vPQ, 0)
rO_t = applyVel(T, rO0, vO)
rQ_t = applyVel(T, rQ0, vQ)
rPQ_t = applyVel(T, rPQ0, vPQ)
rP_t = np.array([compute_rP(q_i, pq_i, vQ, vPQ, t_i) for (q_i, pq_i, t_i) in zip( rQ_t, rPQ_t, T) ])
names = ['rO', 'rQ', 'rPQ', 'rP']
colors = [red, black, green, blue]
trajs = [
(rO_t, rO_t),
(rO_t, rQ_t),
(rQ_t, rPQ_t),
(rO_t, rP_t)
ntc = zip(names, trajs, colors)
# run animation
fig, args = runAnimation(ntc)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, **args)
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